

... writing desks and supplies

J. Herbin Pen and Ink Supplies


J. Herbin Wooden Box Set
"La Perle des Encres"
Wooden Box Set

J. Herbin Rocker Style Desk Wood Ink Blotter
J. Herbin Rocker Style
Desk Wood Ink Blotter

J. Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink Bottle
J. Herbin 1670 Anniv.
Emerald of Chivor

J. Herbin Wooden Handle
Wooden Handle
for Brass Wax Seal

J. Herbin Sealing Wax Sticks
J. Herbin
Sealing Wax Sticks

J. Herbin Initial Letter 'M' Brass Seal
J. Herbin Brass Seal
Initial Letter ''M''

Sealing Wax:

Made with natural elements including pine resin, ground limestone, laquer, and a cochineal dye, this sealing wax does not crack or chip. This is an ideal wax for sending through the mail. Sticks are 3⅜" long and sold in packs of 4. Each stick makes apporximately 7 seals.

J. Herbin Fountain Pen Bottled Ink

Each bottle of 30 ml has an integrated pen rest. They are known as D bottle pen inks. The D refers to the old French unit of measure la Demi Courtine.
J. Herbin Fountain Pen Bottled Ink Ambre De Birmanie
Bleu Azur Noire
Bleu Myosotis
Bleu Pervenche
Bleu Nuit
Bouquet D'Antan
Cacao Du Brésil
Cafe Des Iles
Diabolo Menthe
Eclat De Saphir
Gris Nuage
Larme De Cassis
Lierre Sauvage
Orange Indien
Pen Vert Pre
Perle Noire
Poussiere De Lune
Rouge Caroubier
Rouge Bourgogne
Rouille D'Ancre
Terre De Feu
Vert Empire
Vert Olive
Vert Pré
Vert Réséda
Violette Pensée

J Herbin Black 30ml Bottled Ink
Black 30ml
Bottled Ink

J Herbin Red Rose Scented Fountain Pen Ink
Red Rose

J. Herbin Violette 30ml Bottled Ink
Violette Ink
30ml Bottled

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