

... writing desks and supplies

❈ Felt Sheets for Sale

Perfect for projects, decoration, lining cases, and general purpose use. Can be self cut into any shape or design. Soft Fabric or adhesive. Use in DIY craft projects, line the inside of a box or use to cover the writing panels on a writing slope portable desk!

Take a look at the wide variety of Felt Sheets for Sale in association with Amazon.com


Adhesive Felt Ideas:

Choose by the roll or sheets of different dimensions ...

Large Black Self Adhesive Felt Roll
Black Self Adhesive Felt Roll
15.7" x 78.7"

Assorted Colors
(15) Assorted Colors
8.3" x 11.8"

(12) Tan Adhesive Felt Sheets
(12) Tan Adhesive Felt Sheets
11.5" x 15.5"

Felt Fabric Sheets Bundles

▸ High of 100% Polyester Felt
▸ 7 Colors Available
▸ Thickness: about 1-1.4mm
▸ Stiff and Easy to Cut
▸ Easy to Cut, Fold, Glue, Sew and Staple
▸ Safe, Non-toxic, Harmless, and Gentle to Touch
ZAIONE® Crafts Material Supplies

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